Since Collision is a rather old group, most of the fellows credited for these productions, are no longer members of Collision (See History of Collision). But since the wares was released under collision, I find it appropriate to put it here where they belong. Some wares are COOP productions..
All downloads are in either D64, T64 or PRG format (may be compressed in a common format of choice, but we try to avoid it - within reasonable limits). No cracks are present here - it´s demos, intros, music, tools and our own games... You can download most of these by clicking the name of the production (link), you will of course need to transfer the stuff to a C64 or use an emulator (see the Cross Platform and Emulators section).
Hmmm.. Credits could be improved on this page, but until then - see the productions for credits
Other demos and productions (No screendump)
Meetingdemo - Meeting in Copenhagen/DK 1992 with Collision, No Name and Brutal
Contact Domix II - Small contact demo (Outdated), the first Contact Domix was released while in Ideal
Megahertz - Diskmag, 1992
Call Digital Wizard - Commercial for the BBS Digital Wizard
...are to be added...
Quite a few intros has been made over the years. And I shall see if I can find standalone versions
And since I found some old games I was working on, incl. a 100% level editor for one of them. I might even finnish the game...
There has been released some different packs and compilations with music from composers in collision. Here is presented some C64 wares for your entertainment. (Usual commie formats).
Zippers music (Egil P.)
Radio Pack #1
Radio Pack #2
Radio Pack #3
Radio Pack #4
Radio Pack #5
Radio Pack #6
Radio Pack #7
Bart Zax #1
Bart Zax #2
Golden Oldies Pack#1
Genius musix #1 - Dedicated to the memory of TLK/Extend!
Lonley Fly / Kraftverk (A music label under Collision)
Tango Ballet / Kraftverk
Foxbat Theme / Kraftverk
2ny´s heavy beat
Take a Break/Genius
Released under Collision since the time of dawn... More wares to come... It´s like digging up dinosaurs on old disks... They are all for the commie...
CLI Packer 1.0
CLI Packer 1.5
CLI Packer 1.7
Single Color Sprite Logo Editor
FLI-Sprite-Editor V2.0
And of course there was some tool-fixes of different kinds, and some utilities for internal use only ... which are not presented here.
Swappers Copy /Domix
Turbo Assembler /Domix (Fixed to suit my own needs, For internal use)
Macro-Assembler 3.0/CLI (--||--, for internal use)
And some special Crunchers and Levelpackers, IFFL loaders etc...